So, I figured I’d cram food from Santiago, Madrid, and
Toledo into one post, partly because they fit together nicely and two are
fairly short, but mostly I’m ‘cause I’m a wee bit lazy.
We only ate three real meals in Santiago. Dinner the
first night was the fanciest and, true to form for me, the one I enjoyed the
least. I got the roast lamb, which was so-so, but really dry and waaaay too
much. Thought that was funny, as most meat in Spain moo’s (or baa’s or bleats) when
you cut into it. Dessert (chestnuts cooked in chocolate with whipped cream) was
excellent, though.
Lunch the next day was HYSTERICAL. The restaurant/bar we stopped
at was managed, waited, bused, and cooked for by one Spanish man who didn’t
speak a lick of English and didn’t have the time (or patience) to repeat
himself. I asked him to repeat the options for the first plate, and he just
patted me on the shoulder and said (in Spanish), “I bring you the soup. It’s
good.” Then scurried off. He did the same thing for the second plate (grilled
ham). Funniest part was later. I understand Spanish quite well when I’m not on
the spot (i.e. it’s not being spoken to me), so when the table of tourists next
to us was ordering, I heard him say, “I’ll bring you the ham. It’s good! I just
ordered it for them (points at us) too!” Dessert was Santiago tart, which is
like a slightly lemony, slightly nutty pound cake covered in powdered sugar.
Dinner that night was tasty, if somewhat hard to find. It
turns out the ‘third holiest city on Earth’ kinda shuts down on Sundays, so we
had trouble finding an open restaurant. We ended up just eating at the café in
our B&B. Sean and I split an order of croquettes (one of my favorite things
ever, by the way), and I got an order of morcello, Spanish sausage made from
blood and rice).
Lunch at the train station the next day was basic, though
special, ‘cause it was my first Iberian ham of the trip. I kinda had an
addiction to that stuff last time I was in Spain.
Dinner the first night in Madrid was…interesting. Asked our
hostelier for a rec (which had worked PHENOMENALLY up til then) and he sent us
to a strip of Indian restaurants nearby. Now, I love Indian food, but the
Spanish don’t really like spices and ABHOR spiciness (‘spicy sauce’ in Spain
means ‘tangy’ to someone from the States). You can’t really do Indian food that
way. The curry was ‘meh’, not bad, but way too sweet. The wine also tasted like
it was equal parts bad white wine and water.

Toledo, we pretty much skipped food for whatever reason.
Only thing we had to eat was some espresso and pastries at a bakery (which I
think had its baked goods supplied by nuns in a convent), where Sean got a
waffle with ice cream and I got a mazapan (no, not marzipan) cake. When we got
back, we were kinda starving, so we went to a tapas bar called Lateral that the
front desk recommended. Awful waiters (the guy said it was over an hour wait
outside, without mentioning that the inside of the restaurant was empty), but
great food. We got jamon croquettes, patatas bravas, stuffed peppers, and a
pintxo that was essentially tuna salad on toast, except it was made with bonito
instead of tuna, and had grilled asparagus on top. For dessert, I got “crepes
castellanos con dulce de leche,” which is a fancy way of saying mini pancakes
topped with caramel and whipped cream.
Don't know what my last meal in Madrid will be, but sammiches at the train station are a strong contender.
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